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The Pharmacy department maintains a Pharmaceutical Service that conforms to ethical and professional standards and legal requirements.

The organization of the pharmacy is suitable for the pharmacists and other Staff of the department to perform their primary role as a link in the chain of healthcare professionals dedicated to patient care. The pharmacist’s primary role in the hospital is to provide at all times, an adequate supply of safe, effective and good quality drugs in appropriate dosage forms consistent with the needs of the patients and to rationalize drug utilization in collaboration with other medical staff.

For optimum performance of its assigned functions, the department is divided into sub-units such as dispensary, stores, Drug Information Unit and Compounding Room. All these sub-units are adequately manned by qualified and licensed professionals as prescribed by the Pharmacists Council of Nigeria.

The department renders a wide range of Pharmaceutical Service to its teaming clients which include:

a.     Drug information, which encompasses the collection, organization, retrieval, interpretation and evaluation of the applicable literature in appropriate fashion;
b.     Collection of the pharmacy patient database;
c.     Patient education;
d.     Monitoring and auditing of therapeutic regimens;
e.     Drug use review;
f.      Monitoring/reporting of specific adverse drug reactions to decrease their incidence;
g.     Compounding of extemporaneous preparations.
h.     Performing other similar functions designed to improve patient care by maximizing drug use.

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