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Trusted hands, touching lives.


The laboratory is one the many departments of NNRH established to provide laboratory services as aid to prompt and appropriate treatment of NN personnel and their families. Furthermore, the laboratory has continued to offer services to ensure delivery of accurate, reliable and timely results.

As part of the diagnostic services of Nigerian Navy Reference Hospital Calabar, the NNRH Laboratory provides biochemistry, immunology, microbiology, parasitology, toxicology, virology, haematology testing and other tests relevant to medicine and/or disease surveillance to physicians, health care providers, and epidemiologists for the benefit of the patient and population.
In order to provide optimal services to customers and to ensure safety of laboratory personnel, the laboratory maintains quality throughout its pre-analytical, analytical and post-analytical path of workflow.

The Quality Management System (QMS) provides a framework for managing and monitoring activities to address quality standards and achieve organizational goals.

The NNRH Calabar Laboratory provides services in support of clinical and research activites. For continuous quality improvement, the laboratory undertakes regular training and retraining of staff. The laboratory also provides technical expertise, training, commodities, monitoring and mentoring for the laboratory. The tests performed by this laboratory include:

a. Clinical Chemistry Section
    i.      Calcium Assay
    ii.     Biochemistry (Glucose and Proteins)
    iii.    Electrolytes, Urea & Creatinine assays
    iv.    Glucose Estimation (FBS, RBS, OGGT & 2HPP)
    v.     Lipid profile assay (Total Cholesterol, HDL-Cholesterol, triglycerides & LDL-Cholesterol)
    vi.    Liver function test (Total Protein, Albumin, Total and conjugated bilirubin, Alkaline Phosphatase, AST, ALT)
    vii.   Pregnancy test.
    viii.  Urea/Creatinine Clearance
    ix.    Uric Acid Level
    x.     Urinalysis
    xi.    Hormonal assays
    xii.   Drug toxicology
    xiii.  Cardiac Markers

b. Haematology/Immunology/Blood-Transfusion Services
    i.      Complete Blood Cells count (Hb, PCV, WBC, Differentials)
    ii.     RBC (Red Blood Cell Count)
    iii.    Hb-Electrophoresis
    iv.    Indirect comb’s Test
    v.     Direct Com’s Test
    vi.    Blood Grouping
    vii.   Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate (ESR)
    viii.  Platelets count
    ix.    Venereal Disease Research Laboratory (Syphilis)
    x.     Hepatitis B
    xi.    Hepatitis C
    xii.   HIV Screening

c. Microbiological/Parasitology Assays
    i.     Microscopy, culture and Sensitivity (Urine, Stool Blood Ear swab, ECS, CSF, Eye swab, HVS, Nasal swab, Pus/Aspirate,     Sputum)
    ii.     Blood Microfilaria
    iii.    Skin snip for Microfilaria
    iv.    Malaria Parasite
    v.     Gram Straining
    vi.    RDT Malaria parasite
    vii.   Sputum AAFB x 3
    viii.  Stool Microscopy
    ix.    Urine Microscopy
    x.     Widal Agglutination test
    xi.    Occult Blood Test

Referral tests
Histopathology samples

Hours of Operation:
Out-Patients - 0800 – 1600 Hrs
In-Patients - 24 Hrs
Emergency - 24 Hrs

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